An ancient warrior who was buried with his wife and three children has been found in a Russian crypt.
The find has created an archaeological puzzle because researchers are unsure whether the family died from the plague or were killed by local tribal members.
The “noble” family, according to archaeologists, was buried there in Fanagoriya, Russia, about 1,500 years ago.
According to the Russian Academy of Sciences, the adult male skeleton was discovered buried with stirrups and riding spurs.
Additionally, he wore a sword belt, indicating that he was a mounted warrior.
Rare artifacts buried with the family indicate high status or wealth.
And there were valuables in the 16-foot-deep crypt, a sign of wealth or high status.
This prehistoric warrior resembled Khal Drogo from Game of Thrones in real life.
Aleksei Voroshilov, who supervised the excavation, said that according to what they had discovered, the individual had been a member of the city’s army.
Archaeologists believe the family may have been massacred by members of a local tribe.
He was an experienced rider, as we also discovered when riding stirrups and spurs.
“Also present is a leather harness that attaches to a belt and was previously used to carry a sword.
“The buckles on the harness are very worn, indicating that this warrior had participated in numerous battles.
He was drawing and redrawing his weapon repeatedly.
Along with his wife and three children, the long-dead warrior was also buried.
Although the cause of his death is unknown, archaeologists believe that plague may have been the cause.
Another popular story holds that local nomadic tribesmen slaughtered the animals.
In any case, archaeologists are quite interested in the Fanagoriya excavation site.
The location is believed to have had significant historical importance to Christianity and has yielded several priceless artifacts.
The marble tablet, which could have served as an altar in a church, is the most precise and convincing evidence so far that Christianity formed in Fanagorіa in the 5th century, according to Alekseі.
“We have found a marble baptismal font for babies, and perhaps even for small children. Although it is not very large, it is substantial and made of marble.
The ancient lost city has yielded important artifacts.
“A ship that was lost after the uprising in Phanagoria against Mithridates VI of Pontus, which took place precisely in the year 62 BC, was discovered by one of our submarine missions some time ago.